Fundraising Round-Up 2021/22

Our first school year back after COVID disruptions has been a phenomenal one for PTA fund raising. We have currently raised over £15,000 with takings from some events still to be counted.

It’s been great to be able to hold events for everyone again and we hope the children enjoyed the Movie night, Readings Events, competitions and Discos. Particularly notable was a fun packed and very stormy night at the Christmas Bazaar which raised over £3,000 for the first time on record! The Christmas shop and Christmas card sales also added a further £3,000. The weekly ice cream and doughnut sales added a further £2,000. Lastly, our Wild West themed Summer Fair raised almost £5,000, another record breaking figure!

Some of this money has already been put to good use paying for the Bug Club, Pantomime coaches, Life Education caravan, Diversity books, Young Shakespeare performances, First Aid Courses and the library refurb, but there is plenty left to start off the next year with.