Whole School Curriculum

Great Meols Curriculum Vision

At Great Meols Primary School the curriculum is designed to inspire, engage and nurture our children to achieve and flourish as citizens of today and the future. Ensuring that children both know and do more is an integral part of the curriculum but of paramount importance is that they also learn how to live successful and happy lives where they are informed, courageous advocates of the things that matter to them.

Our curriculum is designed to engage children of all ages in deep knowledge and thinking about the past, present and future of our planet with compassionate studies of the life which has, does or will inhabit it. In a nutshell, it is a curriculum designed to empower our learners to change the world for the better.

Growth Mindset - Learning to be a learner

“It is what you believe about your own intelligence that will determine how you approach a problem or a setback, and ultimately determine whether you fulfil your potential” Carol Dweck

A school culture of growth mindset teaches children how to develop as a learner and equips them with skills, habits and mindful attitudes to support them when learning something new, facing difficulties and making mistakes. A Growth Mindset is adopting the belief that ability skills can be developed by effort. In enables children to; love challenges, see mistakes as intriguing and something to learn and grow from and to embrace the effort and challenge of new learning experiences.

Curriculum Aims

  • To provide all pupils with equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum matched well to their ages, abilities, interests, aptitudes and individual needs.

  • To ensure children progress and achieve in the core subjects, so that they are equipped with strong reading, writing and mathematical knowledge and skills.

  • To leave pupils with a long term memory bank of knowledge and vocabulary that will empower children to make connections and have a deep understanding of complex concepts.

  • To enable children to develop, enhance and utilise procedural knowledge and skills across a variety of meaningful topics and threads.

  • To open children’s eyes to the awe and wonder of the incredible and fantastic world in which they live.

  • To equip children to become interested and interesting people who are mindful of themselves and others and are able to contribute to the well-being of their community and the wider world.

Subject Pages

To gain a fuller understanding of knowledge organisers and their use, please watch this video starring some of our Year 6 Ambassadors. All knowledge organisers can be found on the subject curriculum pages which can be accessed via the buttons above.

For more information about the curriculum, please contact your child’s class teacher.