Great Meols PTA
Get involved
If you need to get in touch with the PTA committee you can email us directly or contact the school office who can pass on a message.
The committee officers are elected annually at the AGM in October. For the 2024/2025 term they are
Chair: Ness Eyres and Liz Egerton
PTA Treasurer: Susannah Wood
PTA Secretary: Emily Pullan
Forthcoming Events
Christmas Fair - Thursday 28th November 5pm - 7pm
Christmas Wreath Making - Thursday 5th December 7pm - 9pm
School Discos - Friday 20th January
KS1 Film Night - Monday 28th April
KS2 Film Night - Monday 2nd June
School Discos - Monday 14th July
Fundraising News
Find out about the money we've raised.
Our Data Privacy Notice can be viewed by clicking the link below. Paper copies are available on request, please contact the school office.