Keeping Safe
All children have the right to feel safe and all children should know how to access support and advice if they do not feel safe. We encourage all children to talk to us if they have a problem or are worried about anything at all.
Please read this page and click on the buttons below for further advice and support.
Worried about anything at all?
If you are ever worried about anything in your life and you need support, call Childline.
Childline’s website also has some fantastic tools for helping you look after yourself. Have a look here:
Worried about something online?
Speak to Mr Parker or one of the adults in school. For further advice, click on the button:
These websites offer support for your mental health. Click on the images to have a look. Kooth is aimed at upper key stage 2 children. Children would need to sign up to gain support.
Useful reminders
Talking to your child about their online life
For some excellent advice, please read the following resources created by the Children’s Commissioner:
Railway Line Safety
Please visit this website to learn the importance of staying safe by railway lines. This is particularly important due to the number of tracks in our local area.
If concerned about the safety and welfare of a young person, speak to one of our designated safeguarding leads: Mr Brown, Mr Parker or Mrs Ainslie.
If a child or young person is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect please report it to the Wirral Integrated Front Door Team:
Mon-Fri, 9:00am – 5.00pm Tel: 0151 606 2008
Outside of these hours Tel: 0151 677 6557